About us

Transformation through education

Every individual has the potential to create change, whether in their life, their community, or the world. Through education we are helping that potential be released.

In ZIEGEL e-learning you will find a wide variety of courses, covering different topics such as: IT, English, Administration, Finances, Illustration, Graphic Design, Photography, Video production, freelancing, and more. 

At ZIEGEL, our goal is to empower our clients to:

  • Get inspired.
  • Learn new skills.
  • Be curious.
  • Make an impact.
  • Live a full life.

We strongly believe

Learning is fundamental in each stage of life in order to progress and evolve. Through learning we can transform our lives, our communities, and the world. 

No matter who we are or where we are at in the learning curve, knowledge empowers human beings, and makes us grow. It helps us challenge the status quo and redefine what’s possible.

And that’s why Coursera is here. To support your professional development and personal growth. 

We partner with the best institutions to bring the best learning no matter where you are.

Our mission is to empower people transform their life through learning.